<%-- default skin template. the following skins are provided as examples only. 1. named control skin. the skinid should be uniquely defined because duplicate skinid's per control type are not allowed in the same theme. 2. default skin. the skinid is not defined. only one default control skin per control type is allowed in the same theme. --%> <%@ Register Assembly="AjaxControlToolkit" Namespace="AjaxControlToolkit" TagPrefix="ajaxToolkit" %> <%-- Default skin for all collapsible panels on the sample website --%> <%-- Empty skin to avoid default collapsible panel skin just for the collapsible panel demo--%> <%--panels--%> <%-- basepanel --%> <%-- 'submit' panel --%> <%--dropdownlist--%> <%--TextBox--%> <%--button--%> <%--Radiobutton--%> <%--labels--%> <%--2---label topic header--%> <%-- Label as Result --%> <%--mt datagrid--%>